okay,,bersempena dengan hari xsedap hati sedunia ni,,,marilah kita sama2 mulakan entry kita dgn bacaan ummul kitab Al-Fatihah..-diam jap-
sebenarnya dah 2 hari dh dok jadik cm lalang ni,,,emm,lalang??kenapa aku mengaitkan lalang dlm entry kali ni,,kerana aku rasa hidop aku seharian ni sangat dekat dengan lalang,,,,x kiralah aku pandang sebelahh kiri,or sebelah kanan area rumah aku ni pon,,aku asek nmpak lalang je,,,even depan rumah ni pon agak2 cam lalang lalang ni dok berkumpul mcm nk buat company sendiri je,,sbb tu aku mcm terpaut hati nk mengaitkan entry kali dengan lalang2 yg byk berjasa pada tahah yg xnk dijasakn oleh kita,,,,(mentang2 dah pandai main farmville ,asek ckp sal tanah je)
back to hal yg dok meracuni jiwa raga aku ni,,,aku pon have no idea why la 2,3 ari ni aku asek rase x sedap hati je,,,rase tak sedap hati in term of,,,emm,,macam ko masak,,masakan ko tu tak cukup gula la,,,x taruk maggi cukup rase la,,,x pekat lah,,,or whatsoever,,,dia jadi nk makan pon xde slera,,,hahaha,,dengan menjadikan diri aku sbb subject matter sejajar dengan metafora masak memasak yg aku guna ni,,,,,aku tengah x berselera lah ni,,,!!
pulak dah aku ni asek dok demam tanpa henti,,,,dengan jayanya demam berjaya menguasai diri aku sedangkan semua org tahu aku ni sepupu kepada batman dan anak sedara kepada iron man,,,so,,sepatutnya sangat impossible lah untuk aku dpt sakit ni,,,tapi apa boleh buat,,,aku pon dah lame tak renew cakra2 aku yg naruto pinjam 3mgu lepas,,bangang!dah pinjam xreti2 nak hantar aku,,,(okay,,double meaning disitu ya tuan tuan dan puan puan)
berbalik kepada tema kita yg asal yakni ketidaksedapan hati aku akibat daripada kurangnya ramuan2 yg bermutu ..(sbb taukey babas pon busy asek dok kempen broadband tu) haaa??ape kaitan tahhh,,,aku sendiri pon taktahu sebab musabab kurangnya ramuan2 tu atau dengan kata lain,,,punca punca terjadinya segala permasalahan gelodak jiwa yg menebal dalam diri (baca sambil buat nada Datuk Dr Fadhillah Kamsah,lagi ada jiwa org kate)hahahahaha
aku pon dengan ketidakupayaan dari sudut kewangan dan tenaga kerja dan sumbangan sosial ,menjalankan lah satu kajian di mana kita hendak mengetahui antara faktor2 yang menyumbang kepada permasalahan ini adlah disebabkan satu faktor utama iaitu,,KEUPAYAAN UNTUK PERCAYA PADA DIRI DAN ORG LAIN...hahaha,,macam dlm program motivasi pulak kan,,hahhaaha
mane tau,,,xdapat jadik lawyer dapat jadik freelance motivator ke kan,,,1pekataan 10 hengget!hahahahaahahaha,,kayap woo kayap,,,
macam ni tau,,,*background music lagu Mariah Carey-Without You*
aku ade 1 kepercayaan di mana,,,aku pegang sampai hari ahad lepas,,WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU GET,,alah,,,nk kene translate gak ke,,yelaahhh!!
APE YG KO BG TU LAH YG KO DAPAT!,,,atau dengan kata yg paling ringkas aku ni PENDENDAM,,yeah!!Lebeh kurang macam tu lah ye kawan2,,haa,,tu style aku,,,dia macam aku dah terbiasa dgn mazhab yg macam tu,,,macam asal org buat hal sikit je,,mmg org tu akan kene,,,emm,,no wonder lah aku tak ramai bestfriend kan,,,so,,utk menghargai bestfriends aku tu akn ku mahkotakan mereka dengan Darjah Panglima mahkota,,lepas ni pakat ramai2 jadik datuk datin yaaa,,hahaahaha,,lepas tu akn ku hiasi kamu semua dengan emas,bertatahkan berlian,,,kereta mewah,,rumah rumah besar berserta swimming pool dan,,,dahhhh!!!melampau dahh tuu,,,,,,spoil sgt dah tuu,,hahaaha
kembali kepada mazhab yg aku dok potpet2 tadi,,dulu aku penah mengaplikasikan mazhab ni dekat seseorg and sampai laaaaa ni aku x bertegur sapa dengan dia,,,salah siapa?aku atau dia,,?(baca sambil buat style Wan Kamarudin) kalau dia tak buat pasai dengan aku dulu,,aku tak buat macm tu balik kat dia,,tapi alih2 ,,sekarang,,,aku rindu pulak dekat dia,,,rindu yg macam,,,mengeluh tak tahu nk buat apa,,
and then secara tiba tiba,,,perasaan menyesal datang bertimpa2,,,soalan2 cepumas datang bertalu talu ke benak mindaku,,,,antara soalan2 nya ialah(nada jalaludin hasan mase host Who Wants To Be A Billionaire):
1.kenapa tiba2 aku rindu dia yg amat ni?
2.tak menyesal ke buat dia mcm tu?
3.kenapa buat dia mcm tu dulu?
4.sayang dia lagi tak?
5.apa ko nk buat sekarang?
6.boleh ke nk dapat dia balik?
and antara 6 soalan ni,,,yg paling menjadi aku punya personal fav ialah soalan number 2 ngn 6,,,emm
kenape?sbb 1.mmg aku menyesal yg amat aku berdendam ngn dia,sampai aku buat dia kecewa dgn aku ape semua,,sampi aku buat dia putus harapan dengan aku semua,,cuba kalau aku sabar sikit dgn perangai dia,,aku rase mesti sekang ni aku tak tulis entry2 sialan serupa ini,,mesti time2 mcm ni aku tengah text die,,like 24 hours,,mesti malam2 nnti ade la org yg call aku ,bg aku sweet words,mesti status2 kat Fb aku pon macam happy2 je,,pastu mesti byk notifications dekat Fb sbb aku sure mase tu mase tu mesti dia akn selalu jadik topfan aku,,hahahaah,,,siap nombo 1 lagi tau,,haahahaha
tp nk buat mcm mane,,mase kitorg tengah bahagia dulu pon yg aku tahu just Friendster dengan MySpace je,,tu pon share account tau,,,,haa,,bahagia tak bahagiaa,,hahahahaha
menyesal sangat sbb aku pernah bg shit words kat dia,,macam2 aku ckp kat dia,,,and buat dia betol2 offended dengan aku,,,sampai dia gave up on me,,,and aku igt lagi,,ayat dia
"those time yg kita happy tu,semua hilang sbb skali je *** ** (bukan nama sebenar) buat salah"
mase tu mmg aku hilang pertimbangan,,aku taktahu kenapa aku over reacted sgt sampai aku membiarkan pemboleh ubah memanipulasikan aku seperti aku ni salah satu variables mase buat experiment,,,haih,,,
and after that ,,after the "farewell Day" tu,,,aku xdengar 1 hape pon pasal dia sampai la mase part 2 asasi undang2,,aku jumpa Fb dia balik,,and OMG,,,dia kelihatan sgt hebat ya sekalian alam,,hahahaahahaha,,aku nk add dengan niat konon2 nk berbaik,,and mmg aku add dia with adding on personal msg yang berbunyi.
"let us lupakan apa yg jadi,my mistake sbb being too harsh on you and my mistake sbb x percaya you and my mistake sbb let myself being controlled by vengence"
haa,,lebih kurang macam tu lah,,,and aku rase dia mmg tgk and bace msg aku tuu,,and mmg dia taknak ,,,mmg dia taknak trima aku balik,,mmg dia xnk ada ape2 pon dgn aku balik,,and mmg dia taknak aku ade dlm hidop dia lagi dah,,,and fullstop..
tp aku tak mengalah,,aku try gak call die,,text dia,,sometimes dia angkat and when dia tahu that's me yg called tu,,dia terus "okaylah,bye!"
and aku senyum,,try trima dngn hati yg terbuka,,padan muka aku kan,,
so,aku rasa dengan menjawab soalan no 2 tu,,aku dah jawab soalan yg no 6,,,bermakna,,,,takkan ade peluang untuk kitorg berbaik sampai bile,,,die pon tah tah dah naik benci tgk muka aku yg kiut ni,,heheheheehehehehehehe..
tp to be noted,,aku still sayang dia lagi sampai ke saat aku dok tulis entry ni,,,betul,,,sayang,,,tp xdelah sayang gilak cam dulu,,,its just a perasaan of sayang yang you just nk tahu kabar die,and nk dia tahu yg aku menyesal dengan perbuatan aku dulu...utk dia,,aku just nk bgtahu,,all the stuffs yg die pnh bg aku dulu ade lagi aku simpan,,,pernah aku terpiki nk bakar but ade someone cakap,,"once you bkar,you takkan dapat balik bende2 tu.."
and aku tengah pertimbangkan lah ni,,
even MP3 yg dia bg aku dulu pon,walau dah rosak ade lagi aku simpan,,,igt lagi mp3 tu,,,warna biru navy,,hehehehe,,dalam tu ade a few files about us kan,,luckily mase mula2 dapat dulu i cepat2 transferred and copied benda tu kat Pc,,kalau tak meraung lah,,haahahaha,,and semalam je aku baca balik semua yg dia tulis,,and aku sangat terharu,,perasaan yg same mase first time aku bace benda tu 4 tahun lepas,,ada lagi,,and tu lah the greatest effort pernah somebody buat dekat aku for the sake of a relationship,,,letters,cards,,,hm,,kita kan ortodoks sikit,,hahaha,,,,banyak guna cara lama,,haahahahaha,,tp sweet,..(sambil tersenyum)
ko tahu ape aku nak sekarang?(buntang mate ni hah)
aku nak sangat yg kitorg ade chance untuk jumpa 4 mata and duduk kat mane2 and turn over a new leaf,,maknanya kalau jumpa,itu hanyalah perjumpaan dua org kawan lame semata2 utk bertanya khabar,,aku takkan ungkit benda2 dulu,,aku nk sangat jumpa dia,,,serius,,(imagine jap moment tuh,,emm,kan best)
tapi aku tahu,,semua benda tu mustahill,,,dia takkan nk jumpa aku,,and aku takkan ade guts punya nk jumpa dia lepas aku buat mcam2 kat dia,,
hmm..mmg padan lah ngan muka aku kan,,mazhab yg aku pegang tu,,kena seketoi balik dekat aku,,,dekat dahi pulak tuu,,
betol lah kan,,aku buat org,org buat aku balik,,
sekarang ni mcm tu lah,,
sbb tu lah,,aku tengah sedaya upaya try nk ubah diri sendiri ni,,ape org cakap,,berubah ke arah kebaikan,,,belajar menghargai,,,belajar terima kekurangan org tersayang,,,belajar tolak ansur,,and paling penting belajar control apa yg ptut,,,sbb aku dah tak larat dah nk hadapi kehilangan org yg aku sayang ni,,,tak larat,,aku tak kuat dah,,,
tp somehow aku takut,,bila aku dh okay,,ade org buat sial pulak dgn aku,,,so ape yg patut aku buat,,,macam mana kalau ade org yang akan amik kesempatan nanti bila aku dah berubah,,rasenye aku dah banyak berubah,,,yeah!mmg dah byk,,
and sebab tu lah yg buatkan aku jadik tak sedap ati,,,xsenang duduk,,dilema lah,,,macam fobia,,,aduyaiii..,
bile dah tak sedap hati mcm ni,,,pendirian pon mestilah sedikit sebanyak bergoyang tak tentu arah macam lalang,,bila mai angin kiri,ke kiri,bila mai angin kanan ke kanan,,,ha tu lah,,,,tak tetap...ye,,mmg aku jenis yg tak tetap pendirian pon,,bila ckp ngn org ni,,,aku pon akn,,"oo,,ye ke,okay2" tapi bile cakap ngn org tu pulak aku kan "lah,,mcm ni pulak"..aku xleh nk control diri sendiri,,,,,dah tu macam mana nk idop kalu asek dok melalang macam ni,,,fenin lalat lahs,,,last2 aku jadik cam pretending tau yg aku ni boleh handle benda tu,,,mmg org ckp,,pengalaman mengajar kita jadik lebeh matang,,aku mengaku benda tu,,pengalaman aku buat sial dengan "dia" dulu mmg byk ajar aku to have control and handle benda2 yg jadik dlm hidop aku elok,,mcm byk tolong aku buat pnilaian on certain matters lah,,,
mengambil kata2 daripada seorg sahabat,,
"jangan menyesal bila org yg sayang kita,yang appreciate kita habis habisan,tinggalkan kita sbb tak tahan dengan perangai kita yg tah ape2"
and yang membuat aku tak sedap hati sekarang ialah,,,,aku takut if one day,,aku still x dapat control something inside me ni,,org2 yg aku sayang nnti akan blah tinggalkan aku sorg2,,oleh sbb tu siti atikah,,be wise,,please,,be wise,,dont be mice..hahahahaahahaha
okay ,,kepada kawan2 yang bersikap lalang seperti diriku yang cute ni,,sila silalah rujuk pakar ye untuk mengatasi maslah korg tu,,hahahaha...jangan ego sangat utk mintak tolong org lain,,,jgn sombong sangat utk dengar pendapat ngan nasihat org,,okay?(sambil tunjuk2 jari telunjuk)
sehingga berjumpa lagi dalam rancangan SEHATIIIIIII BBBERDANSSSAAAAA(baca sambil buat style fahrin ngan linda)
glamorous.glorious.notorious.jackonius. i'm annoying,shut me off if u can
Friday, October 22, 2010
this song digged me out

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with every day
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with every day
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
dear someone

the only thing i kn0w is loving you
i'm too in love with you when i miss you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i think of you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i text you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i have to hear your voice everyday
i'm too in love with you my heart is beating when we're on the phone
i'm too in love with you when i cant stop smiling
i'm too in love with you when i cant wait to see you
i'm too in love with you when i realize how happy i am with you
i'm too in love with you when everyday i have to stare on your pictures
i'm too in love with you when everything i do reminds me of you
i'm too in love with you when i think there's nothing better than you
i'm too in love with you when i can do anything for you
i'm too in love with you when i try so hard to please you
but somehow,things turn bad when
i'm too in love with you till i started to control you
i'm too in love with you till i started to yell at you
i'm too in love with you till i started to not believing you
i'm too in love with you till i get jealous more and more
i'm too in love with you till i afraid you will turn me down
i'm too in love with you till i'm feeling insecure
i'm too in love with you till i started questioning your love
its getting worst when you feel cozy no more,
i'm sorry
its just i love you so much
and i dont wanna lose you
its just i love you so much
untill i hurt you
its just i love you so much
i cant live without you
and i wont stop
even if there is no more US
but i wont let that US to go
have trust on me
and understand me
everything i do
just because i love you
i'm too in love with you when i miss you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i think of you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i text you everyday
i'm too in love with you when i have to hear your voice everyday
i'm too in love with you my heart is beating when we're on the phone
i'm too in love with you when i cant stop smiling
i'm too in love with you when i cant wait to see you
i'm too in love with you when i realize how happy i am with you
i'm too in love with you when everyday i have to stare on your pictures
i'm too in love with you when everything i do reminds me of you
i'm too in love with you when i think there's nothing better than you
i'm too in love with you when i can do anything for you
i'm too in love with you when i try so hard to please you
but somehow,things turn bad when
i'm too in love with you till i started to control you
i'm too in love with you till i started to yell at you
i'm too in love with you till i started to not believing you
i'm too in love with you till i get jealous more and more
i'm too in love with you till i afraid you will turn me down
i'm too in love with you till i'm feeling insecure
i'm too in love with you till i started questioning your love
its getting worst when you feel cozy no more,
i'm sorry
its just i love you so much
and i dont wanna lose you
its just i love you so much
untill i hurt you
its just i love you so much
i cant live without you
and i wont stop
even if there is no more US
but i wont let that US to go
have trust on me
and understand me
everything i do
just because i love you
Sunday, October 17, 2010
i was just started..............

i was just started to text you when you texted me saying that you dont have time to reply
i was just starting to call you when you said that you're busy enough to answer me
i was just started to miss you when you said that "bukannye x leh jumpa lansung"
i was just started to ask you for dinner when you said "kenyang"
i was just started to buy you something when you said ''dah ade sume tu"
i was just started to say a word when you said "diam jap,on call"
i was just started to look at you when you said "ape pandang pandang?''
i was just started to show you my favourite dvd when you said "boringlah citer ni"
i was just started to show you my favourite bag when you said "bukan dah ade ke yg ni?''
i was just started to LOVE you when you said "Enough"

when i was ready for a commitment,why dont you?
all this time,you keep blaming me for not being enthuasiastic,and for not being a human being by letting just you loving me and not both of us.
dear mister,in order to know is to learn,after all this while,i'm learning you and in matter of fact,i started to love you when i thought
"maybe he is the right one for me"
but actually,its ambigous.
whose being crap?
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